Synthesis of isotopes of some elements
The theoretical opportunity of synthesis of elements is shown in partition "Heat-generator". During destruction of phenol in resultants of reaction such elements, as molybdenum (╠ю), tin (Sn), silver (Ag) were found. The mechanism of formation(education) of molybdenum from phenol is described by nuclear reaction:
C6H6O о 50Sn94 о 49In94 о Е о 42Mo94
The molecule of phenol contains 13 atoms, which 44 neutrons and 50 electrons consist in the sum of 50 protons. The cavitation bubble compress all contents in one nucleus. This nucleus represents a unknown unstable isotope of tin - 94, which at disintegration positrone by disintegration turns to molybdenum - 94.
If in the same way to compress a molecule of phenol with a molecule of water, on the equation of reaction:
H2O + C6H6O о 60Nd112 о 59Pr112 о Е о 50Sn112,
That we receive(obtain) after a series of positron decays a stable isotope of tin - 112. In the event that in a series of radioactive decays will pass some proton decays, a terminating stable yield of this response can be silver, which too was found in resultants of reaction.
This mechanism works as at synthesis of heavier devices, for example of osmium, and at synthesis of more light devices, for example of deuterium, beryllium, scandium.
During synthesis of osmium mother compound was lead acetate three-aqueous (Pb (CH3COO)2 ╖ 3H2O). The aggregate quantity(amount) of protons and neutrons in this linking is equal accordingly 174 protons and 192-196 neutrons. The nucleus with such quantity(amount) of nucleons unstablly also could break up by division on response:
174X380 о 2 ╖ 87Fr190
174X376 о 2 ╖ 87Fr188
At positron decay of a nucleus of francium break up accordingly in an isotope of platinum - 190 and isotope of osmium - 188. According to indeterminacy of a path of decay in this process it is possible to expect occurrence of heavy metals of group of platinum and next devices. Really, in yields of responses such devices, as wolframium, osmium, quicksilver were found.
The process of reception of light devices occurs as Ч merging of nucleuses of more light devices, for example, the reception of an isotope of beryllium - 7 is featured by response:
3Li7 + 1H1 о 4Be7
The process of reception of scandium - 46 can be presented by the following expedient:
3H2O о 30Zn54 о 29Cu54 о 21Sc46 + 41H2
At first three molecules of water shrink in a nucleus zinc - 54 with some surplus of energy. Then surplus of energy carry away one positron and four two-proton decays. Four steams(vapours) of protons turn to four nucleuses of deuterium.
The deuterium, besides can be received on response:
1H1 + 1H1 о 1H2
In a cavitation bubble the probability of passing of this response in 1028 times is higher, than during collisions at temperature 108 ░╩.
The new devices in a cavitation blister can arise not only by merging nucleuses, but also by division of nucleuses. Such process observed in the described above experience with processing of strontium. The process of a nuclear fission of strontium - 86 on two parts can be described by responses:
38Sr86 о 2 ╖ 19K43 о 2 ╖ 20Ca43
38Sr87 о 20Ca40 + 18Ar47
18Ar47 о 22Ti47
If to separate a nucleus of strontium into three parts, we shall receive:
38Sr87 о 2 ╖ 12Mg24 + 14Si39
The received unstable silicon - 39 turns to stable potassium - 39. If to separate a nucleus of strontium - 88 into four parts, we shall receive sodium - 23 on response:
38Sr88 о 2 ╖ 11Na23 + 2 ╖ 8O21
The received unstable oxygen - 21 turns in stable neon - 21.
As a result of split of a nucleus of strontium is received in resultants of reaction of a nucleus of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, titanium etc.
In above mentioned materials the substantial opportunity of reception of various chemical devices and their isotopes practically from any substance which is taking place in liquid state (in this case - in a solution) is shown. By a similar fashion it is possible to utillize suspensions and melts. On the basis of the given experiments it is possible to assert(approve), that the ultrasonic activator is the prototype of factory of chemical devices. That the ultrasonic activator is simultaneously unbounded radiant of energy the given proposition is substantially feasible.